Young Life

Young Life is a Christian organization devoted to introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith. We do this by going where kids are, inviting them to belong, investing in their future, and helping them grow. Here are just a few ways we do this...

Club - Everyone is welcome at what is often called a party with a purpose. It's a time of fun and talking about what matters in life. High school students meet on Monday evenings and middle school students meet on Wednesdays.

Camp - The "best week of your life" is a time of extravagant adventure, when kids get to be real, have a seat at the table, and learn that God loves them more than they imagined. We take a fall and summer camp trip every year.

Campaigners - Kids and leaders open the Bible together and discuss what it means to follow Jesus Christ.

Our vision is to have Young Life club at every school in Douglas County! We currently have Young Life leaders serving at Rock Canyon High School, Castle View High School, and Rocky Heights Middle School.

All students in Douglas County are welcome to join our combined High School​ and Middle School​ clubs!